Thursday, February 12, 2009

Confessions of a Sockaholic

Here's a not so great picture of the table by my favorite spot. I admit it, I'm a sockaholic. I've looked for, but not found any sort of in-step, uh, I mean 12-step program to cure me of this addiction. I find myself always making another pair of doll socks. different sizes, colors, designs, it's terrible, I think I might even dream about doll socks. I even spent 2 hours yesterday organizing all my balls of thread for socks yesterday in a new container, by color just so I could more easily find colors to match outfits I'm making. I wouldn't even cut off this big ball of bunched up loose threads because it might have meant I wouldn't have enough to finish a sock of a certain color. I carefully, painstakingly separated and re-wound those threads. It's a sickness I tell you...sigh......hopeless.....


Anonymous said...

But if it weren't for your sickness, think of all the barefooted babes! Oh the humanity!

MaryC said...

HAHAHHHAAAAHHAHAHAHAAAHHAHAAAAHAHAHHHHAA! (deep breath!) HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. oh, man, you just dont know how good it is to have company with my sickness....and to know that YOURS is worse than mine! MaryC

Ellen aka Auntmoonie said...

Thank goodness your shoe fetish hasn't caught up to me! whew!! wiping brow. Socks are so much cheaper.....LOL